Rx Solutions

Why did my Rx not go thru?
The first step on this issue, is to check to make sure your drug is on the list of Rx drugs or needs a pre-authorization from Anthem.  1. Please visit t...
Thu, 16 Aug, 2018 at 2:21 PM
Prescription Benefits and Mail Order Program
Does Anthem offer a Mail order drug benefit program? Yes they do. You can access it via the anthem website and the MyPharmacy option. Please see the attachm...
Thu, 13 Sep, 2018 at 11:20 AM
Anthem Video and your Rx Benefits
Here is a link to a short video that shows employees the additional resources they may access by signing in to Anthem’s website. By signing in, the site take...
Thu, 13 Sep, 2018 at 11:27 AM